
Implementing these five best practices in your 抽样 routine can help improve the efficiency of your 抽样 process.

很多手术都有 取样设备 和一个 抽样 计划到位. They operate the equipment according to plan to collect 和一个nalyze sample material. 

但是我们怎么知道设备, plan and sample collected are correctly meeting our needs or the needs of our customers? 

A good place to start is to implement some best practices that can help improve the efficiency of your 抽样 process in general, 以及具体收集的样本和数据.  

幸运的是, 假设您正在使用正确设计的设备, many of these best practices can be applied without significant added cost — and many are likely to be modifications to existing practices.  

1. 知识是关键

From the time the sample is physically collected until the point where the data is developed, 很多人都会参与其中. 这可以是所有维护设备的机械师, 给操作设备的操作员, 给处理样品的实验室技术人员. 

如果你考虑到许多工厂都有不止一个班次, the total number of people who may somehow touch the 抽样 process can be quite large.  

鉴于这种, it is very important that all personnel involved in the 抽样 process have at least a basic understanding of the following:

  • 抽样的概念
  • 正确抽样的重要性
  • 他们工厂完整取样过程的概述. 

Training personnel on why their particular function is important in the larger scheme, 以及整个计划要实现的目标, can encourage them to be more aware of their daily tasks and more engaged in making their portion of the process better. 这将因此改善更大的采样过程.

2. 练习良好的基础知识

It is much more likely that the overall 抽样 process will perform well and provide good data if the basics are correct. 

These basics are the keys to 抽样 correctness and the building blocks on which successful 抽样 plans are built. These are items like verifying that cutters are the correct size and correctly delimit sample increments, and checking to see that the sample increment collected is in agreement with the calculated increment mass.  


Other items may be to verify that sample flow through various parts of the 抽样 system is what is expected based on the system design, and that the number of total increments are being met and that sampler timer settings are correct.  

The point is to ensure that all important development criteria (from standards, Tos, etc.)正在被满足。, and that the 抽样 system properly implements the requirements developed from this criteria. 

Once these items are correct, they can be monitored with a regular inspection and maintenance plan.

3. 检查和维护

Operating 取样设备 and material in the final sample container does not necessarily mean that the 取样设备 and process is working correctly.

不幸的是, 一旦采样系统安装和调试, it can become somewhat lost in the background with respect to the overall operation of the facility in question. 

This can mean that the 取样设备 will receive minimal attention unless:

  • 一台机器显然不能正常工作
  • 完成告警条件的设置
  • No sample material is present in the collection container at the end of a lot

You may have heard the expression about the devil being in the details. 在抽样活动中,这往往是正确的. 

The details are what we typically need to get right to have a successful quality or process control program. 这个概念就是为什么实现a是非常重要的 定期检查和维修/调整计划 用于采样系统和设备.

取决于您的应用和设备类型, 这种检查和维护计划可以采取多种形式. Your 取样设备 manufacturer can help you identify common areas for inspection and maintenance, as well as offer some guidance as a starting point for scheduling purposes.

4. 跟踪你的结果

Samples collected can provide a good deal of information that can be used for making quality control or process control decisions. They can also be used to monitor the performance of the 抽样 system and overall plan. 

Feedback from data collected can be used to estimate various 抽样 related errors. Information on these errors can be used to identify potential problem areas in sample collection or processing, 并且可以根据这些发现进行调整.

Data from the 抽样 system should also be monitored on a continuous basis. Using control charts or variograms to monitor items like sample ratio or content of a material of interest can also provide information regarding:

  • 采样系统的健康状况
  • 抽样计划的有效性

It can also reveal more hidden details such as cycles in the process that could have an effect on 抽样 results

Tracking results will give you a clear picture of the current status of your 抽样 system and 抽样 process. It will also help you evaluate what potential changes may need to be made.

5. 努力改进

多次从事人员教育工作, 确保正确抽样的关键原则得到遵守, 检查系统和设备, 做任何必要的修理或调整, and then reviewing what has been done and the results you have achieved will get you into a positive continuous cycle. 

In doing this, any large problems that may exist will most certainly be identified 和一个ddressed. The more times this cycle is completed, the smaller any potential issues may be.  

最终, any remaining potential issues will fall within acceptable levels of precision, 你的过程, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全和抽样计划将全面优化.

Having correctly designed 取样设备 and systems is important. 适当制定和实施的计划同样重要. 

Ensuring that all these items are functioning at optimum levels can require some time and effort, 但幸运的是, 这些问题可以通过一些最佳实践来解决.

标签: 抽样


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