Buying A 抽样 System: From 研究 to Ownership

Follow these steps when considering a 采样系统 for your application.

当考虑 采样系统, 很容易将项目的范围理解为订单的编写和系统的安装和操作. 在现实中, 这些项目是一个更大的项目范围的最后步骤,它开始于调查哪些选项是可用的,以及这些选项如何最适合您的需求.

大多数事情都是从一个简单的想法开始的. In 抽样, this simple idea is the basic identification of a need for 抽样. 我们可以讨论为什么抽样很重要, but if you have already identified a need to implement a 抽样 plan, 你可能已经意识到了这一点的重要性.

Once the basic need is identified, what is the next step?


如果你和我们大多数人一样, knowing that you need to do something doesn’t necessarily mean that you know how to do it exactly. If you find yourself in this situation, the solution to not knowing is research.

在过去, 研究可能意味着试图确定哪些公司生产所需的商品或服务, and then contacting them individually to have a conversation about your application. 从这些对话中, 您需要确定哪家公司(或多家公司)提供了最适合您需求的解决方案,然后确定您希望与哪家公司合作.

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一个菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 交叉带取样器

近年来, this process has become more streamlined on the front end, 与大多数信誉良好的公司提供大量的信息,关于他们的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全提供在互联网上. Answers and other information are available with a few keyboard strokes and mouse clicks. Determining what company’s offering matches up with your needs, 为合作公司做出初步选择,并制定满足您需求的解决方案的大致轮廓,可以在几分钟内完成.

一旦研究的初始阶段完成, 然而, it is still very important to have a person-to-person conversation.


For all the ways that the internet has streamlined and improved our project work, 节省了无数的时间, 这有一个潜在的负面影响:有可能错过一次美好的老式谈话. 图纸, 调查问卷, 数据表和其他文献(是的, 博客), may be an important part of transferring information, 但是,在与您选择的采样系统供应商讨论您的应用程序期间,您可以学到很多东西,并且可以快速解决许多问题. 

与主题专家的讨论可以使你在最初的研究阶段为自己整理的大致思路具体化. 多种操作场景, 潜在的工艺问题, 其他可能值得考虑的项目和任何其他有用的事实都可以被发现和讨论. 通常, these sorts of “extras” cannot be captured on the usual drawings, 问卷调查和数据表.

此时此刻, 您应该感到非常自信,因为您已经定义了项目需求,并且已经获得了项目成功所需的知识. Now, it’s time to let your chosen 抽样 solutions partner do the work. 

To see examples of how basic application information is used to develop 抽样 solutions, check out our webinar on example project development.



既然项目已经很好地定义了, it is time to figure out how to make it work in a practical sense. This is where your selected 抽样 manufacturer will put together the necessary drawings, 设备的选择, 操作参数, 定价, 等. to complete the solution to your particular, unique 抽样 problem.

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一个菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 落水取样器.

一般, 这个步骤有不止一次的迭代, as it will often take more than one attempt to find the ideal blend of 抽样 solution, 设备设计, 系统布局及定价. 在这个微调过程完成之后, 您可以放心地下设备订单,您购买的采样解决方案可以满足您对未来几年正确采样的需求和要求.

你的采购订单, the work will once again fall to your selected equipment supplier because, 此时此刻, we have reached the manufacturing phase of the project. 采购的部件将进行采购, fabrication drawings will be produced and equipment manufacturing will begin.

作为设备采购方, 如果你愿意,你应该感到欢迎停下来或以其他方式检查项目的状态. 在一天结束的时候, it is in everyone’s best interest to be certain that the client is happy with the end product, and the sooner in the process any concerns are identified, 更好的.

At the end of the manufacturing portion of the project, the equipment will undergo final inspection and testing. 在这里,制造商将确保生产的设备符合公司内部对设计和质量的要求, 还要验证客户的任何特定需求和要求是否已得到充分解决. 当最终检验完成后,设备被打包装运并送往工作现场.


Once equipment arrives on-site, installation usually begins. In the event that installation is delayed, be sure to correctly store your equipment. Assuming installation does move forward right away, 承包商将根据为该项目制定的总布置图开始放置和机械连接设备. 这些图纸将显示与提案阶段的图纸相同的系统安排和方向, but they will have additional final details that have been developed in design engineering.

When mechanical installation is complete, the electrical installation can begin. 这包括运行和终止各种电缆到任何设备和组件,没有或不能在车间预接线. When electrical installation is complete, it is time for commissioning.

Commissioning usually takes place in two steps: dry and wet commissioning. 干调试首先进行,包括单独检查机器的安装和调整, prior to attempting to operate a system as a whole. This step ensures that individual system components, sensors, 等. 机械上是合理的, wired correctly and will operate correctly once the entire system is energized. 可编程逻辑控制器输入, output and other 采样系统 controls are checked in preparation for initial operation.

The final step in dry commissioning is to operate the entire system together, 但是没有物质存在, 确保各个机器能够正确地协同工作,并验证系统编程是否按预期运行.

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一个菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 螺旋钻取样系统.

Once it has been verified that the system and its associated equipment will operate correctly, material is introduced to the system and wet commissioning gets underway. 湿调试期间, it will be verified that samplers are correctly collecting sample increments, conveyors are properly handling material and crushers are producing the appropriate output sizes. 解决了所注意到的任何问题, 并且完成了可能需要的任何其他微调,以实现正确的样品流过系统并收集正确的最终样品.

湿调试的最后一步是“正常”运行一段时间,在此期间观察系统运行情况,并解决可能出现的任何潜在问题. 经常, 湿调试结束时的这段运行时间也用于收集样品,这些样品将用于验证所收集的最终样品的代表性(有时称为偏差测试)。. 其他时间, the system will simply be turned over to the end user for operation in their normal process, with any performance testing that may need to be performed scheduled for a later date.

This takes you to what is very nearly the end of the project. 使用“非常接近”这个词是因为, while the vast majority of project activities are complete, 还有一些问题需要解决. 


可以说,一个抽样项目的最终成功直接关系到个人的熟悉程度和奉献精神,他们的工作将是操作和维护新的抽样系统. 鉴于这种, 极为重要的是,应使操作和维修人员接受有关新系统的培训. 在理想的情况下, this will take place throughout the total commissioning phase, but any opportunity to provide system operators with some hands-on experience is very important.

采样设备与任何其他类型的设备没有什么不同-在操作和维护期间可能出现的问题是任何设备所有权的一部分. 当不可避免的操作障碍出现时,在经过工厂培训的人员在场的情况下讨论问题和维护,将减少现场人员的学习曲线.

最终, the operation and maintenance of the new system does fall to the owner, but the owners are certainly not left to their own devices. For any issues that may require consultation with the manufacturer, help is not any further than a phone call (or in some cases, 一个鼠标点击)离开. The success of a project from a manufacturer’s standpoint depends on the success of the end user, 在系统移交后提供帮助是过程的一部分,对于那些你可能不太确定的项目或那些调试后的系统调整. 


如果你回想一下, 所有这一切都始于一个简单的想法——意识到需要一个采样解决方案. 这段旅程可能很长,也可能很复杂, but with research and the selection of a quality partner, 项目开发和实施你们正确的抽样解决方案是触手可及的. 

标签: 抽样


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