
May 18, 2020
磨擦细胞磨微粒,释放和分解有害物质,以提高最终菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的质量. 以下是如何在洗涤设备中加入消耗细胞,以提高沙子的耐久性和浊度.

Good, 洁净砂是指具有高耐久性和低浊度的砂菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的一般说法. 


耐久度高的沙子不会被分解或磨成更细的颗粒. Whether for a construction or fractioning application, high durability is a key characteristic of quality level. 


另一方面,浊度实际上与沙子本身无关,而是沙子中的污染物. The turbidity test shows silt or clay, which stays suspended in water. 这些小颗粒会对产出砂的最终应用产生不利影响.

Making good, clean sand

虽然目标很明确,但通往良好、干净的沙子的道路可能很困难. 一种可以帮助提高耐久性和浑浊度的设备是 Attrition Cell.



How Attrition Cells improve sand durability

The particle-on-particle interaction, which happens inside an Attrition Cell, has a number of effects on the material.

Breaks up clusters

在一些矿床中,由于一种胶结作用,颗粒形成簇状. 集群足够强大,可以完整地通过大小调整过程, but when used under stress, the cluster breaks apart. 

Though the particles themselves may have a high durability, 集群的存在会降低任何菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的整体耐用性. 在集群成为最终菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的一部分之前,在处理过程中分解集群是一个关键目标.

Breaks fractured sand

Similar to the issue of the presence of clusters, 颗粒内部断裂会在压力下破裂,从而降低整体耐久性. 而磨损细胞不能利用现有的裂缝到相同的水平 Impact Crusher can, they can break apart a significant level of them. 一旦破碎砂被破碎,剩下的颗粒应该具有更高的耐久性.

When faced with these two issues, 最好在最终菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全创造出来之前就有消耗细胞. As the clusters break apart or the grain fully fractures, 材料的尺寸级配将转向更细的分布. 如果最终菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全对每个尺寸级配都有严格的规格, running it through an Attrition Cell could knock it out of spec. 在磨损洗涤后进行最后的上浆过程将使菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全符合要求的规格.

How Attrition Cells improve sand turbidity

While the durability has a significant importance, 砂菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的浊度是摩擦细胞洗涤器最出名的改进. 浊度测试是测量蒸馏水中悬浮颗粒,如粘土或淤泥. 它是光通过沙和水悬浮的度量. 

浊度指标本质上是指沙子有多脏. It is possible that an additional washing could reduce turbidity, but when the coating is persistent or heavy, attrition scrubbing can remove it. 颗粒之间的相互作用在砂粒的外部产生了擦洗作用. 

粘土和淤泥一旦从沙子中解放出来,很可能会留在水中. If the coating remains on the particle, it may simply flake off when dried, especially when exposed to elevated heat, such as in a dryer.

这将增加处理材料时的粉尘水平,并对最终菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全产生问题. 材料上涂层的存在会降低任何使用沙子的建筑菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的质量.

When dealing with just a turbidity issue, 磨损过程可以只关注最终菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全,以尽量减少与洗涤设备相关的成本.

Where to include Attrition Cells to improve durability and turbidity

消耗细胞在任何过程中的位置也与材料之前的样子和之后的处理方式有关. 材料准备和漂洗是摩擦洗涤过程中同等重要的部分. 在磨损单元之前准备材料对于确保单元内的最高性能非常重要.


Attrition Cells as part of a frac sand plant.

Considering silica sand with a specific gravity of 2.65, the ideal feed to a scrub cell is 70-75% by weight. By targeting the ideal percent solids, 粒子间相互作用的最高机会发生在仍允许物质流过细胞的情况下. 

A higher percent solids will put more of a load on the motor, which is indicated by an increase in amps. 通过在进料端加水来减少电机和齿轮箱的负荷, but adding water increases the distance between particles. 随着距离的增加,粒子对粒子碰撞的机会就会减少. 

许多应用程序将自动监控电机上的电流消耗并相应地添加水, which will protect the unit. 如果不监控性能,很容易让浆液变得太稀.  

Using a Separator™, a Dewatering Screen 或者其他一些方法,在磨耗池之前将固体百分比增加到70-75%以上,并将其稀释,这是优化洗涤器性能的常用方法.

With the clusters broken apart, internal fractures exploited or coatings removed, 在磨损单元阶段之后对材料进行最后的冲洗,以确保实现磨损洗涤的所有好处. 任何需要擦洗的材料都应考虑到准备工作, the effects of the scrubbing and the rinsing stage.


Turbidity issues should include Attrition Cells where all waste, (other than the coatings), have been removed. In cases of multiple products, 这可能意味着在上浆阶段之前要先进行磨砂阶段. With a single product, the attrition scrubbing can be toward the end. 

In all cases, a sufficient rinsing stage is required.

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Tags: Scrubbing, How To

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