Why The SMS12 Is A Smart Option for Smaller Dairies To Improve Cow Bedding And Milk Yields

The SMS12 is a s和-separation system ideal for dairies with fewer than 500 cows. A few of the reasons for recycling your s和 bedding include cost-savings, 减少设备的磨损, 增加了奶牛的舒适度.


如果你拥有和/或管理一个奶牛场, then most likely one of your most visited apps or websites is related to the weather. 天气对农业和乳制品的几乎每一个方面都有这样的影响. 如果天气太热,牛和庄稼就会受到影响. 当气温开始降到冰点以下, 总有管道结冰的危险, 道路变得湿滑,拖拉机无法启动. 作物需要水, 但是当雨水过多的时候, 庄稼被淹没,田地变得无法通行. This can really cause headaches for dairy producers who manage their manure by hauling it daily, 甚至每周一次, 去田野. Hauling heavy, s和-laden manure to your wet fields can cause rutting 和 excessive compaction. Oftentimes, the more stable fields can get inundated with manure, which increases the risk of runoff.

如果你正在挤一小群奶牛的奶,在沙子上睡觉, you may have struggled trying to haul your s和-laden manure 去田野 due to weather issues. The SMS12 system can help you save money on bedding by allowing you to recycle your s和 while at the same time making it easier to l和 apply the remaining manure effluent.  


The SMS12 is a s和 separation system designed to give dairies with 500 cows or less the same benefits of a traditional s和-manure separation system at a fraction of the footprint 和 cost. This system utilizes the proven s和-manure separation equipment that 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 puts in all of our systems, 根据我们的采矿任务设计. 它有一个吸引人的投资回报率, 安装方便快捷吗, 占用空间小, 并且运行维护成本低. This system has high recovery rates of clean s和 和 produces a slurry effluent that can be used in biogas plants 和 nutrient separation systems, 让农场在环境上更具可持续性.  

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Let’s look at a few of the most obvious ways that separating s和 from manure can help your dairy.

1. 回收你的床上沙节省成本.

这通常是最大和最明显的好处. To illustrate a typical cost savings, let’s look at the current annual cost of bedding. 如果你有500头奶牛, use 50 pounds of s和 per cow per day 和 pay $12 per ton for the new s和, 你每年的床上用品费用是54美元,750元/年. If you don’t already know how much you spend on s和 bedding 和 want to calculate the annual s和 cost for your dairy, simply multiply the number of stalls being bedded by 50 (pounds of s和 per cow per day), 把这个数除以2,000磅/吨, 把这个数字乘以每吨的成本, 然后乘以365. This will give your annual s和 cost, assuming you use 50 pounds of s和 per cow per day.

The equation for the 500-cow dairy above would look like this: 500 x 50 / 2,000 x $12 x 365 = $54,750.

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SMS12系统已经证明了这一点 回收率超过90% 从肥料中提取的沙子. Using the above example, this would return $49,275 in recovered 和 reusable s和.

您可能会想,“操作和维护成本呢? 这是个好问题. 如果我们加上一些费用平均电费为0美元.07/千瓦时及使用量, 以及每年的维护, 你将节省大约40美元,000元/年. 

2. 减少田地的压实.

While it’s hard to dispute that hauling s和-laden manure onto crop fields can create compaction issues that negatively affect crop yields, have you ever looked at the difference removing the s和 prior to hauling the manure can make on potential compaction? For example, let’s take a typical box spreader loaded with s和-laden manure. 这种粪便的密度约为每立方英尺72磅. A medium sized box spreader can hold about 10 cubic yards or 270 cubic feet. 如果装载的是沙肥,这将是19440磅的粪肥. If we remove all the s和 from this manure, the same spreader will weigh 16,740 pounds — 1.轻4吨. 这将减少约14%的重量被带到田地. 

3. 降低运输和清理成本.

Removing the s和 from manure can reduce the amount of manure being hauled 去田野. 用我们之前的500头牛的例子, 清除90%的沙子,每天将清除14吨沙子. 一辆自卸卡车通常会装载20-25吨的材料. Removing 90% of your s和 will potentially decrease the manure volume by 200-250 truckloads annually. Some of this volume will be offset by a small amount of additional water that is needed for washing/rinsing the s和, but this volume difference is easier to store/agitate/pump/h和le now that there is little s和. 细沙通常可以搅动, put back into suspension 和 pumped rather than needing to be dug out with a loader.

4. 尽量减少设备的磨损.

搬运和散布沙肥的成本很高. The abrasiveness of the s和 along with its tendency to settle out in tankers can be costly 和 time-consuming to manage. Removing the s和 with the 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 SMS12 s和 separation system means you are managing the s和 with equipment built to mining-duty st和ards 和 designed for harsh working environments. Pumping 和 hauling your s和-free manure will put less stress on you 和 your equipment. 

5. 增加奶牛舒适度.

If you’re recycling 和 reusing your s和 bedding, your bedding costs will be minimal. This means you can keep your stalls full 和 properly maintained without the worry of high bedding costs. 你的奶牛会以产更多的奶来感谢你.  

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The SMS12 uses several of the basic principles of s和 separation to separate s和 in an economical way within a small footprint. Undiluted manure is pumped into a conditioning box, where closed-loop recycled water is added. 产生的浆液流入 转鼓分离机 用于去除纤维和碎屑. 剩余的水和沙子流入污水池,然后被泵送到污水处理厂 水力旋流器. The 水力旋流器 separates the s和 和 drops it into the s和 washer for cleaning 和 rinsing. 砂从洗砂机中排出时含水量约为20%. The s和 will need to be stacked 和 conditioned for several weeks prior to reuse. 一个可选的 脱水筛 can be added to reduce the moisture to about 12% 和 minimize the amount of conditioning time required.

The SMS12 system operates on about 35-40 hp 和 can be configured for single or three-phase electricity. The system can be installed outdoors if the temperature remains above freezing; otherwise, 它需要安装在一个热量最低的建筑里. 操作简单,控制可以远程监控, 在发生故障时发送文本和电子邮件提醒.

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If these challenges sound familiar 和 you’re considering s和 separation for all or some of the benefits listed above, 阅读更多 关于SMS12系统或者看看这个 video案例研究 康奈尔大学. 你也可以联系麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的农业团队.

标签: 肥料管理


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