取样机/辊式破碎机保留了较大的机器设计的主要特点和优点,但包装成紧凑, 专为可靠高效地处理低容量应用而量身定制的经济高效解决方案.

双辊破碎机是一种广泛使用的破碎机类型,并提供相对较高的能力,为给定的机器尺寸的优势, low overhead requirements, relatively low power requirements, integral tramp relief, 处理粘性材料的能力和以最小的细粒产生立方体菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的能力.

浆料机提供许多相同的性能特点,双辊破碎机, with the added features of directly driven rolls, 非常低的开销要求和相对较小的机器尺寸占用空间.

样品双辊破碎机和小型粒度机可用于各种各样的应用和行业. 这些机器广泛应用于处理软到中等硬的采矿和发电应用中, friable materials such as coal, coke, limestone, salt, potash, clay, oil sands, trona, shale, bauxite, and other materials with similar characteristics.

How Sampling Sizers/Roll Crushers Work

样品双辊破碎机和小型粒度机的操作方式类似,简单. Material to be crushed is fed into the top of the machine, 它是在哪里被粉碎,通过两个旋转辊组件和通过破碎机的底部. 粉碎菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的大小和级配是根据辊之间的距离和破碎机辊上的齿形. Fewer, larger teeth and wider roll settings result in a coarser crushed product, whereas more, 更小的齿(或简单的串珠辊)和更小的辊设置导致更细的粉碎菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全. 无论齿形或辊形如何,破碎原理都是相同的. 物料在冲击、剪切和压缩的共同作用下被粉碎. Despite the fact the rolls are rotating at a relatively slow speed, 当进料进入破碎机并受到破碎机辊齿的冲击时,会发生一些物料断裂. 当进料在辊齿之间和/或辊齿与施胶梳之间被捕获时,发生剪切. 当物料被迫在辊之间或辊与上胶梳之间时,就会发生压缩.

Sizer rolls are directly driven by right-angle gearmotor units. 这种安排允许不同的轧辊速度,有助于处理潮湿和粘性材料, 但它也简化了机器的设计,并允许与尺寸相关的最小占用空间.

Sample Double Roll Crusher rolls are driven in one of two ways. 第一种是双驱动安排,其中每个破碎机辊是由自己的v带传动和电机驱动. 这允许不同的轧辊速度,有助于加工潮湿和粘性材料. 第二种安排是一个单一的驱动,其中第一个破碎机辊是直接驱动从一个v带传动和电机安排, 但第二辊由辊间的v形带和张紧器驱动.

样品双辊破碎机还提供了一个弹簧加载的拨动装置,以减轻不稳. In this arrangement, the on-crusher roll is movable. 当不可破碎的物体进入破碎机并在辊子之间向下拉时, 活动滚轮从固定滚轮反弹,使滚轮啮合拨动杆. When uncrushable material clears the crusher, 轧辊弹回其原来的位置,不中断破碎操作.

Regardless of which type of machine is used, 进料沿物料颗粒中自然发生的断层线断裂, 将进料减少到所需的粉碎输出尺寸,同时最大限度地减少细粒的产生. 

Why McLanahan Sampling Sizers/Roll Crushers

McLanahan has extensive experience in crushing applications, particularly crushing applications involving Roll Crushers and Sizers. In addition to being backed by this experience, 样品双辊破碎机和浆料机提供了一个简化的设计和长期, reliable operation with minimal maintenance requirements. 低轮廓的设计(和最小的占地面积,在尺寸的情况下)使易于实施到工厂布局. Rugged construction, oversized roll shafts, 可更换的衬垫和耐磨辊确保这些机器将处理困难的应用,同时继续可靠地生产粉碎材料. Adjustable roll settings, along with a number of other design options, help tailor crushed product size and deal with difficult-to-handle, wet and sticky materials. 现场测试也可确保所选择的破碎机配置是您应用的最佳选择. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Sampling Sizers/Roll Crushers

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在与挖掘相关的应用程序中使用的术语是指可能无意中进入菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全流的不可破碎对象. These objects are often associated with the mining process (e.g. mining machine bits, 装载机齿或顶板螺栓件),难以防止进入菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全流程. Tramp can also refer to inclusions in the material feed to a machine (i.e. crusher) that the machine is not designed to handle. 例如,对于a来说,一个大的硬岩石颗粒被认为是不稳定的 Double Roll Crusher 因为双辊破碎机通常不用于粉碎坚硬的岩石. Conversely, other types of crushers are designed to crush hard rock, so hard rock would not be considered tramp for those crushers.

If the material to be crushed is not a hard rock application, is not abrasive, and fine material generation is not an issue, a Sample Hammermill Crusher can be used. If the material feed is not a hard rock application, is not abrasive, 较大的材料块或少量较硬的夹杂物和细小的材料生成不是问题吗, a Rockertooth Crusher may be a good option. If the material to be crushed is hard rock or is abrasive, a Sample Jaw Crusher should be considered.


Features & Benefits
  • Cost-effective option for low feed rate applications
  • Robust construction for success in difficult applications
  • Low roll speeds ensure minimum dust and fines generation
  • 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全设置的可调节性,以满足菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全尺寸要求的灵活性
  • Integral tramp relief via spring toggle assembly
  • Design options to handle wet or sticky material
  • Direct, right-angle mechanical drives
  • 紧凑的设计和占地面积小,安装在高度和地板空间是一个溢价
  • 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全设置的可调节性,以满足菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全尺寸要求的灵活性

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Our customer service team is here to help you 24/7. 我们可以为您运送零件,派遣现场服务技术人员到您的现场,并回答您的任何问题. Whatever you need, we are here for you.