4 Signs You Need A Multi-Stage Sampling System

January 16, 2023

Sampling Systems 是任何材料加工应用的有价值的部分,即使它们不涉及实际的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全创造. 这些机电设备可用于确保菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全符合发货和收货情况的要求,并正确评估菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的价值. 它们甚至可以用来监测上游设备上的磨损部件,通过收集样品材料进行比较.

Mechanical Sampling Systems are available with several styles of sampling equipment. There are Cross Belt Samplers, 它们被放置在传送带的顶部,并从移动的传送带上取样品增量. There are Falling Stream Samplers,它可以有不同的配置,但都是从下落的物料流中收集样本. And there are Auger Sampling Systems,用于从火车车厢、卡车和其他形式的运输集装箱中收集样本.


Sampling systems can even include lab and pilot plant crushers, which are small-scale versions of Jaw Crushers, Roll Crushers, Impact Crushers, etc. These sampling crushers are designed for low-tonnage applications 并且非常适合缩小样品的粒度,以便进一步划分-无论是作为大型采样系统的一部分还是用于实验室分析.

Any of these types of sampling equipment can be used alone or as part of a larger multi-stage system,它涉及两个或更多的这些设备类型来收集和处理样品增量.


For example, a Cross Belt Sampler could collect a large, primary sample of material from a conveyor belt. 然后,这种材料可以通过样品破碎机缩小尺寸并送到另一个, albeit smaller, Cross Belt Sampler, which takes a sample of the crushed material to send to the lab. 任何不合格的材料——没有作为最终样品的一部分收集的材料——都直接回到主要的生产过程中.

Do I need a multi-stage sampling system?

Not every application will require or even want a Multi-Stage Sampling System. 一些应用程序将能够满足他们的样本收集目标,只需一个设备.


您的应用是否能从多级采样系统中受益取决于多种因素. 以下是您在应用程序中可能需要或受益于多级采样系统的四个迹象.

1. High flow rate of material

流量是一个主要指标,如果多级采样系统是必要的应用. 更高的流速导致更大的样品增量,这意味着更多的材料被收集. 增加多个采样阶段将减少送往实验室的样品材料的数量. 减少送到实验室的样品材料的数量,就减少了实验室人员必须做的处理工作,以使样品达到分析所需的尺寸. 

2. Inconsistent or nonhomogeneous material

在处理的材料中有变化或不一致的应用可能受益于多级取样系统, 因为需要收集更多的样本增量才能获得具有代表性的样本, which means more material to be handled. By taking a smaller sample size of the larger sample, 多级采样系统可以通过减少实验室需要处理的材料数量,使非均匀材料的应用受益.

3. Large particle size

The larger the particle size of the material, 取样系统所需的样品刀具宽度系统越大. A wider cutter will inherently collect a larger amount of sample, which means more material that will have to be processed at the lab. Additionally, 较大粒径的材料往往需要较大的样品质量来表示该粒径的材料.


4. Wide conveyor

更大/更宽的输送机通常倾向于处理更高的流速和有时更大的颗粒尺寸的材料. The high flow rate tends to result in larger sample increments. 较大粒度的材料需要更宽的刀具,通常需要更大的样品质量(加上), a crushing requirement).

Again, 多级取样系统可以减少送往实验室进行处理的物料量,从而使应用受益.

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材料在决定多级采样系统的应用价值方面起着很大的作用. Basically, 如果你必须收集大量的样本才能准确地代表整体, 你最终会得到很多材料,可能会从额外的采样阶段或几个额外的采样阶段中受益.

In short, larger and/or more sample increments equal more sample material collected, which can equate to more sampling stages.

需要多少阶段的取样和/或粉碎也可以由材料尺寸决定,以及需要将其减小到可在实验室分析的尺寸的多少. 在实验室之前进行的更多在线处理可以减少实验室所需的处理量, which can also reduce labor costs and free up personnel for other tasks.

任何可靠的机械取样系统制造商在推荐多级取样系统之前都会要求尽可能多的应用信息. This information can include:

  • Material characteristics
  • Application goals
  • Process requirements
  • Equipment involved in the production
  • More

如果制造商从这些细节中确定多级采样系统是有益的, 然后,他们将根据应用程序目标和数据确定需要多少阶段.

Tags: Sampling

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