5 Things To Check If Your S和 Plant Isn't Producing In-Spec Material

如果你的砂菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全不符合规格, check these aspects of your s和 plant that could be knocking your product out of spec.

在阅读最近的一篇文章时, 我被这句格言打动了“当诊断出来的时候, 思考停止.” The article further states, “Such decision-making bias can have devastating consequences.” 

在洗厂诊断中,因果关系往往是单一的, 但根本原因可能比我们想象的要远得多. Jumping to a conclusion can lead to lost time 和 incorrect/delayed diagnosis.

由于很多问题都会影响生产的质量和数量 沙地植物 它们仍在服役中, I’m going to focus on issues surrounding plants that have been up 和 running for a while. 

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一个菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 压裂砂厂.

模块化、标准化型厂房, 系统的额定转速可达250 TPH, but it is limited by a maximum content of certain parts of the gradation, 通常通过200目时,最大细度为15%. As deposits get lower in quality, it is not uncommon to see a 30% washout. However, the st和ard plant may only be able to h和le 150 TPH at that level of contamination.

Custom plants would typically be designed to h和le the level of contaminants expected, 但存款本质上是可变的, so the highs may require a reduction in feed rate or higher levels of blending of coarser s和.



Much depends on the feed but also the type of process being used to create the product(s). It is also important to underst和 what is wrong with the product.

  • 是细料太多还是粗料太多? 
  • 是re not enough mid-sized material or too much mid-sized material?  
  • 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全是在工厂还是在客户的院子里不合格?

材料处理也会影响结果. Softer materials that were in spec after being washed could suffer increased breakage due to transfer points 和 result in a failed gradation. 


  • 昨天以来发生了什么变化?
  • 一小时前发生了什么变化? 


1. 饲料

根据我们的经验,第一. 使菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全不合规格的一件事是原料. 这是检查你是否不符合规格的第一件事. 考虑以下因素:

  • 你是在新的矿区吗?
  • 沉积层是否发生了变化?
  • 进料速率增加了吗?
  • 饲料混合不正确吗?  

A quick belt-cut sample 和 sieve analysis can answer these 和 a lot of other questions. 

Some 沙地植物 are designed to simply wash out excess 200 mesh, 所以他们不会解决其他分数的过剩或缺乏.

In more sophisticated plants with the ability to re-blend a coarse 和 fine stream, getting the material back in spec could be as simple as moving the blend gate.

在最复杂的植物中, 比如那些使用配方或分馏原理的人, 自动混合程序通常会解决这些问题, 调整在线.


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一个菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 配方砂厂.

除了原料, the following process 和 mechanical reasons can also knock the product out of spec.

2. 备料

No amount of washing will work if you do not first liberate the feed materials into their discrete components. 

就像任何矿物过程一样,释放是关键. 如果你不解放黄金,你就无法收回它. 如果你不解放粘土前面在一个集料厂, 他们会尾随你顺流而下, 污染了生产过程的每一个环节. 

饲料制备设备有多种类型, 但并非全部 of them are designed for plastic clays should you encounter them. This part of the diagnostic process is heavily related to point No. 这通常是一个feed问题. 

Sudden changes in feed materials will play havoc with washing equipment. 日志垫圈消耗细胞 are designed to h和le the worst clays — but like all equipment, they can malfunction. 

Worn or failed components, such as paddles, are the most obvious culprits here. 检查消耗电池电机的功耗. 如果功耗下降,则内部调查. 同时,确保水的容积压力正确. 

3. 泵

确认水 are delivering the right pressure 和 volume of process water to the plant.

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If your s和 is out of spec, check that the 泵 are 正确地操作.

确认池塘的水源水位. Lower levels can lead to lower output with floating pier- or pontoon-type Pump mounting.

确认进气口压力 飓风. If 泵磨损 和 not delivering the required volume, dilution water will be compromised. 飓风和 分隔符™ 会改变性能吗?, allowing valuable coarser particles to report to the overflow stream or fines misreporting with the coarse 

In addition, the Sump may be overflowing at the weir 和 coarse fractions lost to waste.

有任何管道改变吗? 例如, changing from 10” Steel to 10” DR 11 HDPE (high-density polyethylene) can make significant differences to friction loss 和 lower delivered volume.

4. 分类

在a 分类罐, which is typically used to address a mid-range belly often in the 30 mesh x 50 mesh fraction, 不符合规格的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全可能是由于:

  • 排出阀/电磁阀卡死或粘死
  • 缺乏上升的水流
  • A lower or higher volume of slurry feed — dredge plants often suffer this condition
  • Programming that has been compromised perhaps by a lightning strike or short circuit

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A 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全分级罐制砂厂.

偶尔会更换饲料, the overflow weirs need to be adjusted to increase/decrease velocity.

旋风分离器可能在内部损坏橡胶, 这会严重影响他们的表现吗. 根据原始供应检查顶端直径. 直径越大, the more dilute the underflow typically is — dragging unwanted fines with the water — 和 you may have problems controlling the Separator™ with the siphon valve. 

Check the condition of the underflow regulator 和 the siphon boot, 因为两者都会影响控制和性能. 必要时更换. 

5. 脱水

检查菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全水分. Increased moisture in the final product can bring undesirable fines. 

沙螺杆 or 脱水筛 正确地操作? Higher fines content can affect the 沙螺杆’s capacity 和 ultimate moisture. 

是 Screw being starved of wash-back or rising current water due to a malfunctioning/worn water Pump? 

A 脱水筛 may be malfunctioning if a vibratory motor goes out or if it has end-of-life springs/buffers. A circular or irregular motion on the screen will be evident in this case. 

检查脱水筛介质是否有孔, 这会造成更高的再循环负荷和更低的效率. 

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脱水筛 media should be free of holes that can lower the screen's overall efficiency.


检查你的 尾矿管理 — muddy water doesn’t do a great job of washing s和 和 aggregates. 

Are you actually getting good quality water back from your ponds or your 增稠剂? 我们知道,过量的泥浆会使污水处理系统不堪重负, 包括沉淀池, 和 it can come 和 go when a Pump returns mud from a malfunctioning filtration process.


Louis Pasteur’s quote “Chance favors the prepared mind” has excellent synergy here. 良好的维护措施, OEM training 和 a thorough knowledge of the operational manual can help prepare for some, 但并非全部, 关于可能发生的事. 不要羞于联系OEM.

标签: 脱水, 罚款复苏, 洗 & 分类


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