配方砂植物是所有洗涤和分类植物中的精英. 在欧洲开发,以满足更严格的规格, 这些工厂允许生产商提供许多建筑骨料和专业市场,同时最大限度地利用开采的每一个颗粒. With customized blending, 配方砂厂可以轻松生产交通部门混凝土砂, plaster sand, and glass, sports, filter and foundry sand.

How Recipe Sand Plants Work

配方砂厂允许生产商提供许多建筑骨料和专业市场,同时最大限度地利用开采的每一个颗粒. With customized blending, 配方砂厂可以轻松生产交通部门混凝土砂, plaster sand, and glass, sports, filter and foundry sand.

生产分离砂馏分的加氢器是配方工厂的核心. Cyclones are used to deslime and concentrate feed to the Hydrosizers™. Cyclones and Dewatering Screens 联合起来脱水砂馏分,通常放置在储存箱中. Based on the desired end product, feeders at the bottom of these bins, 由质量流量和湿度测量相结合控制, 分配每个分数的确切数量,以满足最严格的级配.

In the most sophisticated of the plants, 四个单独的馏分监测存储体积和补充率. 由于储层的自然变化,当补充不能满足需求时,运营商就会收到警报, and several options are offered, including making a different recipe. Additionally, 通过无线电频率信号,疏浚操作员可以随时了解工厂内的临界质量平衡. 

Plant integration allows the operator to start and stop all motors in the plant; control flows of materials; trend any number of process values, such as line pressures, flow rates, amperage draw and slurry density; and design and produce products by size distribution. 

由于砂级配一致且高度精确,垂直整合的公司可以立即利用较低的预拌混凝土成本, leading to less (over)addition of cement. Where a contractor-guaranteed project is in place, 这种极端的一致性提供了内心的平静, 抵消与其他工厂设计中典型的可变菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全等级相关的风险.

Why McLanahan Recipe Sand Plants

McLanahan是配方砂厂设计和工程方面的专家. 我们是第一个把它们引入美国的,也是第一个在美国安装这些工厂的. 我们将继续为所有与配方砂植物相关的事情提供主要资源.

McLanahan Recipe Sand Plants are automated, 通过改进服务和菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全质量使生产者和他们的顾客受益的是什么. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的可变性和放错位置的砂子的漏气值造成了显著的浪费. Each particle represents potential profit, 因此,任何谷物被浪费或被错误地归类为价值较低的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全都会导致收入损失. McLanahan的配方砂厂设计确保每一粒沙子都能得到最高和最有利可图的利用. 

我们的工艺工程团队将与您一起定义重新混合所需的分数数量及其尺寸范围,以达到目标规格. Most commonly, three or four fractions are created. For example, a four-fraction plant might produce 4 x 16, 16 x 30, 30 x 70 and 70 x 140 sand fractions (5mm x 1.19mm; 1.19 x 600µm, 300 x 150 and 150 x 75).

Frequently Asked Questions About Recipe Sand Plants

Ask An Expert

No. 首先,像这样的工厂的高投资并不适合每个市场. Demands for high-quality specialty materials, 矿床在其等级和垂直整合方面存在挑战,将影响该工厂设计是否适合您的决定.

Yes, 只要你有适当的前期设备和工厂和疏浚操作员之间的沟通. There are a couple of ways of looking at this, depending on the style of dredge, 沉积物的性质和超大材料的数量. 当然,在沙粒物料被输送到工厂之前,你需要进行筛选——这需要一些自动化来向疏浚操作员提供工厂反馈. 在某些情况下,在陆地上储存和干饲比直接喂养效果更好.

Quite the opposite. The levels of automation, 带有简单回路控制器的自我监控设备, simplifies the plant and requires less supervision.

配方砂厂的好处之一是它能够自动适应变化. The Hydrosizers将砂馏分放入适当的桶中. 从这里开始,你只受到所需分数的可用性的限制.

用合适的设备和正确的耐磨材料安装在开始, 运营成本并不比传统电厂高. Consider one valve on a Hydrosizer™ versus 27 on a Sand Classifying Tank. 使用橡胶软管、内衬橡胶管和收集容器都有助于延长工厂的使用寿命. 就像任何一种植物的设计一样,一盎司的预防胜过一吨的治疗. If there is any corrosive fluid involved, such as naturally occurring tannic acid, then this needs to be taken in to consideration.

配方砂植物被指定为他们的能力产生非常紧密的层次, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全种类繁多,提高了镀层的收率.

Features & Benefits
  • Improved yield from your deposit
  • Every sand fraction is sold at the highest value
  • Extreme consistency in final products
  • 标准和特色菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的多种配方
  • The facility short runs of specialty materials
  • 消除因材料不合规格而导致的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全退货
  • 减少与承包商担保相关的风险

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Our customer service team is here to help you 24/7. 我们可以为您运送零件,派遣现场服务技术人员到您的现场,并回答您的任何问题. Whatever you need, we are here for you.