
Maximize your sand bedding by doing these three things.

Sand has long been considered the “gold standard” of dairy cow bedding because it does not support bacteria growth, resists moisture and provides a comfortable place for the cow to rest.

But assuming the use of 50 pounds of sand per cow per day, sand can become a costly bedding option if a sand recovery system is not in place. Here are three ways you can maximize your sand bedding and keep more cash in your pocket.

1. 首先用高质量的水洗混凝土砂

Success with sand bedding begins with the use of the proper sand. When a 砂分离 system is incorporated into the manure system, 沙子的选择变得更加关键.

研究 has shown that fine sand tends to pack hard in the stalls, 减少排水,降低奶牛舒适度. Sand that is too coarse will promote drainage but can lead to hoof problems once mixed with the manure in the stalls.

The best way to maximize cow comfort while at the same time maximizing chances for successful 砂分离 is to use a quality washed concrete sand that falls within the specs for ASTM C-33 sand. If unsure about the quality of sand that is available to you, there are many companies that can perform a sand analysis. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 has a test lab at their Hollidaysburg, Pa.定位,可进行筛分分析. 

The graph below shows the range of particle size distributions in which a washed concrete sand is available. If the sand analysis shows the sand gradation falling to the left of the grey shaded area, the sand is considered “fine” and will have poor separation along with the stall problems mentioned previously.

concrete-sand-particle-distribution.png?mtime = 20190313100232 #资产:10828

If the sand gradation lies to the right of the shaded area, the sand would be considered too large. While it would have great separation, cow comfort in the stall and in the alleys would suffer.

Any sand gradation that falls within the shaded area would be considered acceptable for bedding sand.

2. 安装砂分离系统

Unfortunately, sand doesn’t just stay in the stalls. 就像牛在沙床上溜达一样, they inadvertently drag manure and other contaminants into the stalls with them and drag the bedding sand out. 

隔间需要干净,所以它们是干净的 耙和梳理 每天清除粪便和被污染的床上用品. This ends up being, at minimum, about 50 pounds of sand used per cow per day. This number can be much higher in some cases, especially if dry sand is being used. 

The chart below shows what a dairy could spend on bedding sand if they used a minimum of 50 pounds of sand per cow per day without a sand recycling system in place.

Sand-recycling-savings.png?mtime = 20190313102233 #资产:10829

If we choose a mid-range cost of $15/ton delivered for sand, a 1,000 cow herd using 50 pounds per cow per day would cost the dairy $136,每年875美元用于砂层. Installing a sand recycling system can help minimize this cost.   

幸运的是, there are several different systems to choose from when deciding what system is best for your dairy. 

  • 机械 选砂系统 - 机械 separation systems are highly versatile systems and can be used with any type of manure system. 他们实现了清洁砂的高回收率. 这些系统是可扩展的, and can be set up to process manure from well over 10,000头牛在一个地方. In cold climates, installing the system in a heated building will allow it to operate all year long.
  • Sand Lanes - Sand lanes are an effective means for settling sand but are much less versatile than a mechanical system. They are most effective when high volumes of water are used to clean the alleys and/or transport the manure to a processing location. They are capable of high recovery rates and when coupled with a 沙巷系统,它们最终可以产生一种干净的, 脱水的沙子 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全. 

3. 不要忽视定期保养

Each of the systems mentioned above require regular, 持续的维护使它们保持有效. Sand is an abrasive media, and it manages to find its way into every piece of the system. 

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 Separation Systems have been specially designed to provide a long service life under abrasive conditions. Despite this, there are items that will require replacement at acceptable and predictable intervals. Failure to maintain components in the system will cause it to operate ineffectively. 


  • 移动的沙子和固体桩.
  • Visually inspecting all the equipment prior to starting the system or at the beginning of each shift.
  • 按设备计划润滑机器.
  • 必要时更换磨损物品和设备.

沙巷也不例外. It will begin to lose its effectiveness if the sand isn’t removed on a regular basis. The high volumes of flush water used in a sand lane are supplied with flush pumps. 当这些泵开始磨损, 它们的流量开始下降, which can lead to poorly cleaned alleys and plugged flume lines.


  • 每天(至少)清除车道上的沙子.
  • Conditioning sand as necessary (if no 沙巷系统 is used).
  • 按计划对设备进行润滑.
  • 必要时更换磨损物品和设备 (primarily pumps).

Sand continues to provide the most comfortable resting place for your cows. 使用它会带来一些挑战, but these can be overcome with proper sand selection and a well-designed 砂分离 system that is properly managed and maintained. For more tips on managing sand bedding, check out this webinar.

标签: 床上用品管理, Freestall管理, 肥料管理, 粪便分离 & 脱水


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