
May 15, 2020
如果有一个沙肥分离系统,在自由式牧场中使用沙垫层的奶牛场可以利用厌氧消化. 下面是一些关于厌氧消化前沙肥分离的常见问题.

Sand is here to stay as dairy cow bedding in freestalls. 沙子使奶牛保持清洁,干燥,比其他床上材料更舒适. Clean, dry and comfortable cows are healthier and produce more milk. 

大多数使用沙子的奶牛场不会考虑厌氧消化,因为广泛传播的神话是粪便垫料是厌氧消化系统的唯一选择. 建立在沙子上的奶牛场对用沙子填充消化池也有合理的担忧.   

Sand-manure separation can be used to pre-treat sand-laden manure by separating sand prior to anaerobic digestion. 采用沙肥分离有可能大大提高厌氧消化利用率, 因为它使奶牛场能够循环利用床上砂并产生适合厌氧消化的废水.

没有事先分离,砂层是不相容的厌氧消化系统. However, with sand-manure separation, 沙子可以回收再利用,作为奶牛的独立式垫料,粪便排出物可以厌氧消化. 


1. What is the ideal dairy size for sand-manure separation? Are there different system sizes?

Sand-manure separation systems 在规模从100头到20,000头奶牛的奶牛场进行厌氧消化操作吗. 为了覆盖这个尺寸范围,有四种不同尺寸的沙肥分离系统. Of the farms on the low end of the size range, the 100-cow dairy separates sand and sends the effluent to an anaerobic digester at a local wastewater treatment plant. The 20,000-cow dairy converts biogas to compressed natural gas. 



2. What is the recommended total solids for anaerobic digester influent?

这在很大程度上取决于消化器的类型——不同类型的消化器在不同的总固体范围内运行. Moreover, 要问的问题是“我的乳制品流出物的总固体是多少”,并相应地选择厌氧消化系统. 

在今天的大力推动下,利用厌氧消化带来的经济效益, 厌氧消化器设计市场已经充斥着好意, capable firms unfamiliar with practical dairy production systems. 他们中的许多人正确地认识到,粪便的总固体含量约为12%. However, 流出物的总固体是你如何管理乳制品的结果,可能会随着天气和/或季节而变化. Adding parlor wash water can decrease total solids to 6% or lower. 

Choose an anaerobic digester designer, supplier, etc. 谁能设计和建造一个消化器,以适应您管理乳制品的方式, 首先要考虑什么对奶牛最好.  

3. Concrete sand is expensive in my area. Are there other sand gradation options I can use as bedding?

ASTM C33混凝土砂是用于制造混凝土的水洗细骨料成分. 具有这种尺寸级配的砂赋予混凝土所需的强度. ASTM C33仅仅是这种砂成分的粒度范围. 

如果有竞争使用混凝土砂,价格可能相对于其他砂高. There are two things to keep in mind. First, even if the upfront cost of using concrete sand is higher, it is possible to capture 95% of the sand for reuse, which means only small future purchases to replenish sand inventory. 

Second, even if it is more expensive (and sometimes it is less expensive), 一些生产商将付出代价,因为他们知道混凝土砂可以最大限度地减少向厌氧消化系统排放沙子的风险. Think of it as an insurance policy.



另一件要考虑的事情是,因为混凝土砂只是简单地描述了尺寸级配, any sand by any name fitting that gradation is acceptable for bedding. We have seen this sand called “construction sand,” “torpedo sand,” “bedding sand” (for pipes), and/or “river sand.”

Perhaps most important, concrete sand is great for cows. 它在隔间里保持松散,并排出表面的任何液体, ensuring maximum cow comfort.

4. 分离出来的沙子有多干,是否有可能让它更干?

An Agricultural Sand Dewatering Screen is integral to any sand-manure separation system. 从脱水筛排出的层理砂含水量约为12%. 在12%的湿度下,沙子是“无滴水”的,可以在不到一周的时间内重复使用. 



It is possible to obtain drier sand using a Bedding Dryer. What’s more, 沼气池(或天然气或丙烷)产生的沼气可以用来为干燥机提供燃料,并产生总固体含量99%以上的沙子(低于1%的水分)。. Thermal drying removes all moisture in addition to pathogen kill.



5. 水力旋流器的目标是在蒸煮器之前去除细砂吗?

沙肥分离过程有三个预厌氧消化步骤, with each subsequent step capturing finer sand. Hydrocyclones are the second step in the sand-manure separation process. 



Hydrocyclones drive separation by settling “sideways.” As the manure effluent is pumped in a tight radius, the G-forces are increased, 从而促进粒子的沉降,否则这些粒子可能不容易因引力而沉降. 

与任何分离过程一样,水力旋流器并不是100%有效地捕获沙子. Typically with anaerobic digestion systems, 沙道被用作沙肥分离过程的第三步,以捕获被绕过的沙子.

麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全沙肥分离系统可以在世界各地的各种规模的奶牛场和各种气候条件下使用厌氧消化装置. Contact us 有关沙肥分离系统如何与厌氧消化器一起工作的更多信息.

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Tags: Freestall Management, Manure Management

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