
常与主分离器串联使用, 如转鼓或斜网, 辊压 further reduce the moisture content of the removed fibers.


Roll presses are used as a secondary step in the dewatering process due to their small screen area and relatively low capacity. Their slow operation and high pressure points produce a highly dewatered product that is readily stackable and easily transportable. 这 secondary dewatering device is used in place of Screw Presses where abrasion is a concern, 比如使用沙垫层的奶牛场.    

辊压机可在多个宽度和压力区域. They are sized according to the amount of material that needs processed and the amount of moisture that needs to be removed. They are used in a wide range of industries to dewater organic and non-organic materials. 除了肥料纤维, 这些压机已被用来使塑料脱水, 有机污泥, 纸浆, 玻璃纤维, 湿漉漉的树叶和坚果壳.


Wet materials are fed into the top of the press, onto the first press zone. The rotational movement of the drive roll pulls the material through the press zone. Extremely high pressure is applied across a very small area called a nip point. High pressure at this nip point squeezes a portion of the liquid out from in and around the fibers and forces it through a screen, while the dewatered fibers continue to rotate with the drum and are mechanically removed by either a scraper or a rotating brush.


麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全辊压机可以提供一个, two or three press zones depending on the amount of moisture that needs to be removed. 单区压机将生产出湿度约为80%的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全. 加上第二个区域, 水分可以减少到75%左右, 第三个区域将进一步降低到70%左右. 有两种尺寸可供选择,36 "和48 ". These sizes are the width of the press and dictate how much material can be processed.

All standard 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 presses are built on a heavy, 304 stainless steel frame. 他们需要低马力,由于他们的低速度和低摩擦. 它们操作和维护简单. 尽量减少堵塞和失速, a simple clutch system on the top drive pulls tramp material through the drums.

Each roll is supported by bearings that are isolated or shielded from the manure. 底部辊子由一个超大的枕块轴承支撑, 哪个是用轴封隔绝粪肥的.

Pressure is applied to the top roll by an adjustable air spring system. 通过使用空气弹簧系统, the pressure between the rolls can be quickly and easily adjusted by raising or lowering the air pressure.

为了安全起见,这些装置是完全封闭和屏蔽的. A grease bank is located on one side of the machine to allow the bearings and pivot points to be lubricated from one location without removing any guards.



The size of press is determined by what type of materials are being fed into it and how it’s being fed. 目前大多数装置都涉及粪便脱水. 在这里 是否有图表显示不同的尺寸和容量. 用于肥料以外的用途, 请联系麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全农业团队的尺寸和选择.

这取决于系统的目标. If the goal is simply to dewater the material enough to handle with a payloader and haul to the fields, 单级压机通常就足够了. If there are other goals for dewatering, then a double or single press may be a good idea. 这 图表 显示在每个压榨阶段发生的脱水量.

只需要一个小型罐式压缩机. Once the air springs are filled with air, they consume little if any air during operation.

超高mw刮板是标配. 在漫长的情况下, 丝状材料,比如水果茎,甚至是碎塑料, 哪些会在刮板下堆积, 使用电动刷子. 

Both a Roll Press and a Screw Press operate under the principle of applying high pressure to squeeze the moisture from the solid material, 但每一种方式都略有不同.

The Roll Press contains two rolls that rotate counter to each other and contact each other at a small area called a nip point. 这是两个辊之间施加压力的点. The bottom roll contains drainage holes to allow the water to escape once it is squeezed out. 最上面的卷是实心的, and is often constructed or covered with a slightly softer material than plain steel. 很多时候这种材料是橡胶或聚氨酯. Thickened material is fed into the top of the roll, near the nip point. As the rolls rotate, they pull the material through and the high pressure squeezes water out. There is no sliding abrasion in the high pressure point in a roll press, 所以当沙子被用作垫层材料时,它们是很好的选择. A roll press isn’t suited to function as a primary separator unless the incoming feed slurry has a high total solids (TS) concentration. 对于奶牛粪便,这需要大约12%的TS或更高. 

A Screw Press can handle much lower total solids concentrations and higher incoming flow rates; therefore, it is suitable to be used as either a primary separator or secondary dewaterer. 不像辊压机, 它使用两个反向旋转的卷筒来形成一个夹击点, 螺旋压力机使用包含在筛网内的旋转螺旋钻. The auger rotates constantly while material floods the interior of the screen. Larger fibers are trapped on the screen while liquid and smaller particles pass through. 随着螺旋钻的旋转, it scrapes the captured fibers from the screen and advances them to the discharge. As the fibers approach the discharge, they begin to form a thick plug of material. Paddles at the front of the machine retard their forward motion and the plug is forced to slow down and pressure begins to form. 脱水发生在高压塞中. Tight tolerances between the screw and the screen are necessary to ensure the captured fibers are advanced forward into the dewatering zone. Due to these tight tolerances and the sliding abrasion that happens between the screw and the screen, Screw Presses aren’t the best choice for dewatering manure if sand bedding is present. 

Roll presses are used in a wide range of industries to dewater organic and non-organic materials.

特性 & 好处
  • 在磨蚀环境中磨损最小
  • 生产可堆叠的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全
  • 304不锈钢结构
  • 可调气动压力系统,调整菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全湿度
  • 每个驱动辊都有一个独立的驱动电机
  • 密封轴承与工艺材料隔离
  • Pillow block bearing design on bottom roll allows for quick, easy bearing replacement
  • 可在单,双或三级压力机设计


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