Stevens Creek Quarry Eliminates Settling Pond Problems Once And For All With 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 Filter Press


几十年来,, workers at Stevens Creek Quarry dreaded the monthly need to drain and clean out the quarry’s settling pond for its excess slurry tailings. 每隔30到45天, the entire operation had to shut down for up to eight days while the pond was cleaned, 售价高达80美元,000次清洗.


老板里奇·沃斯和他的儿子, 运营经理杰森·沃斯, 为失去的时间感到沮丧吗, 与沉淀池相关的高成本和越来越多的不便. 天然原料从未在池塘里固结, 所以絮凝剂必须混入尾矿中沉淀, 在填海地盘弃置废物. 一旦尾矿堆积在池塘里, the plant had to be shut down for the pond to be cleaned out and made operational again. 另外, the 170-acre operation had limited space for creating a second settling pond that would allow work to continue uninterrupted.

“It was such a problem being down for seven or eight days while the pond was being maintained,杰森·沃斯说. “That and the costs of it made it a real issue for us – one that wasn’t going to go away if we didn’t find a solution.”


寻找解决方案, Rich Voss called on Director of 过程工程 Scott O’Brien from 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全  Corporation and Ron DeDiemar, 行业顾问. O’Brien and DeDiemar took samples to be analyzed for potential solutions that would dewater the fines from the effluent and help Stevens Creek eliminate the need for a settling pond altogether.

After analyzing size gradations in the materials to determine the amount of easily recoverable sand, an Ultra 罚款复苏 System was recommended to reduce the fines currently going to the effluent treatment solution.

O’Brien said settling tests were run to determine the settling and compaction rates, 以及底流密度, for Paste and/or High-Rate Thickeners that would remove the remaining solids in the effluent.

The 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 team ran filtration tests on the resulting thickener densities to find the optimal equipment combination to minimize capital costs and produce cakes that could be easily handled and used for reclamation. Rich and Jason Voss selected a Paste Thickener over a traditional High-Rate Thickener as the higher-density underflow from the Paste Thickener resulted in shorter press cycles, 以及更低的总资本成本.


今天,在100英尺× 200英尺(30英尺)的地方.5m x 60.9m)沉淀池曾经存在, 史蒂文斯溪现在有一个非常方便的地方储存骨料. DeDiemar said that the quarry has been able to increase its stockpile/inventory area due to the system, 这样可以在需要的时候扩大规模.

“We’ve eliminated the downtime from having to shut down the operation to deal with the settling pond,杰森·沃斯说. “Even though the filtering is done as batches, it’s going while the aggregate plant is running. 这样就容易多了,也节省了我们的时间和金钱.”

The Ultra 罚款复苏 System has made it cost-effective to recover nominal -50 mesh x +400 mesh (38 micron) fines as a conveyable, 可堆叠细砂菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全. 它能回收20吨/小时以上的细沙. 有2个,200 gallons per minute of nominal -400 mesh effluent pumped into a surge prep tank for transfer to the Paste Thickener, which settles the solids into an underflow density of 45-55 percent solids before feeding it to the Filter Press.

The solids underflow feeds into the surge prep tank via gravity without the use of a pump, 利用膏体增稠器产生的封头压力. The solids underflow from the Thickener is then fed to the Filter Press and dewatered into cake that is 75-80 percent solids. 压滤机可回收约30 TPH的干滤饼, 哪个是用来填海采石场的.

细砂与土壤混合,并已出售用于土壤修复. 回收的水可以立即在洗涤厂重新使用, 感谢Rich Voss的创造力, 滤饼也以水洗填充料出售.

Before Stevens Creek got the Filter Press, only one employee was needed to operate the entire plant. One of Voss’s big criteria was to be able to keep the wash plant operation a one-person job, 这是因为麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全压滤机的易用性.

里奇·沃斯说:“和麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全一起工作非常棒. “他们不只是进来卖给你一件设备. 他们是来帮我们弄清楚我们需要什么, how to maximize our budgets and then support us as we get the system up and running. 他们是我们团队的一员.”

O’Brien credits the 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 philosophy of understanding the clients’ needs and developing a custom engineered solution for the success at Stevens Creek, 以及系统的质量.

“This equipment is field proven and offers the finest size fraction recovery available without the use of chemicals,奥勃良说. “The modular construction helped keep installation costs low, and the design made start-up faster. 不需要化学物质或聚合物,而且旋风不会堵塞. 它们也很大,在恢复时不容易堵塞.” 

这是新制度的结果, the quarry has realized savings of nearly $1 million a year in costs associated with not having a settling pond to drain. In addition, they no longer have 50-75 days each year where the entire operation is shut down.

This gives Rich and Jason Voss more free time to focus on their other passion outside the quarry. 

在他们休息的时候, 沃斯兄弟是沃斯赛车运动的主要合作伙伴, an off-road racing team that has been gaining traction in the Best in the Desert Racing Association. Jason is behind the wheel as the driver and has multiple victories in his career. Both Jason and Rich said there are similarities between working as a motorsports team and working with a crew like 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 to tackle an issue like the quarry’s settling pond.

“无论我们开始做什么, 无论是在采石场还是在沙漠里和我们的团队一起比赛, 这是一个团队的方面,杰森说。. “If you have a good support team and good machinery, then you’re going to be successful.”

With the success of the Ultra 罚款复苏 and closed-loop water management system, Stevens Creek is poised for the future – both in quarrying new aggregate and expanding its recycling efforts, 里奇·沃斯眼中的未来. “Now that we have a reliable and efficient way to recover the mesh without the settling pond, 我们为未来做好了准备,他说.


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