
June 28, 2021
脱水筛已被证明可以从分离的再生砂层中去除高达40%的水分和高达80%的有机物质. Here's how.

Clean, dry bedding is critical for cow health and comfort, and key to the production of high-quality milk. When bedding is clean and dry, 细菌生长的机会更少,奶牛的乳房接触到有害病原体的机会也更少,这些病原体会导致乳腺炎和更高的体细胞计数.

垫料可以是有机的(稻草,木屑,干粪肥固体等).) or inorganic, such as sand. Sand is a popular type of freestall bedding material for several reasons. 作为无机材料,它不会促进细菌的生长. 它是吸湿的,并容易排掉任何尿液或滴奶. 它在奶牛站立或躺下时起到缓冲作用,并提供牵引力, reducing the risk of potential knee or hock injuries. Sand is also available worldwide.

砂层垫层的一个主要优点是,它可以在自由式钻井中循环使用, 每年可能为乳制品生产商节省数千美元购买新沙子. 


How to Recycle Sand Bedding

Bedding sand can be recycled with sand lanes or mechanical sand separation equipment, such as Sand-Manure Separators. 所选择的分离方法可能取决于粪便是否被稀释. 

Sand Lanes

Sand lanes are long concrete lanes that are sloped slightly. They are utilized where dilution is used to convey manure. When the sand-laden manure stream is flushed into the lane, 理想情况下,沙子会沉淀在混凝土路面上,而粪便纤维则悬浮在水中,继续沿着路面流动.

为了使这种分离方法最有效,沙子需要每天或甚至每天多次从砂巷中取出. This is because as soon as sand starts to settle, the channeling begins to occur and settling dynamics change.


A McLanahan Sand Lane System (如右图所示)从沙巷(如左图所示)接收沙子,并将其脱水,以减少储存时间和更快地重复使用. 

Sand-Manure Separators

沙肥分离器将含沙的粪肥流——无论是稀释的还是未稀释的——通过机械手段分离出来. 带沙的粪肥进入沙肥分离器的池区, where the heavy sand particles settle to the bottom of the machine. 旋转的螺旋将沉淀的沙子从池区输送到斜坡上, allowing water to drain from the sand. 当沙子沿着斜坡向排出端移动时,一个喷雾棒对沙子进行最后的冲洗.

机械砂分离系统比砂道提供更高、更一致的砂回收率和更好的除湿效果. This means higher recovery of cleaner sand. When used together with the addition of an Agricultural Hydrocyclone沙肥分离器和沙道可以从粪肥流中回收高达95%的沙子. This allows for the potential of sand-bedded dairies to make use of anaerobic digestion or biogas systems. 


麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全沙肥分离器将沙子从粪肥流中分离出来, discharging a clean, stackable bedding sand suitable for reuse in the freestalls. 

What is the Ideal Moisture Content for Recycled Sand Bedding?

The ideal moisture content for sand is 0%. Practically speaking, new bedding sand ranges in moisture content from 5-10%, depending on how it was processed and stored. 水分含量越低,细菌生长和繁殖的机会就越低. 这又回到了清洁,干燥的床上用品是奶牛舒适,奶牛健康和产奶量的关键.

When recycling sand bedding, 生产者应在重复使用前尽量降低水分含量.

从沙道上移走的沙子往往太湿太脏,不能马上再利用. 它通常堆放在倾斜的混凝土垫上,以便排水,或者堆在窗户里,反复翻转. In either case, 这可能需要几周或几个月的时间,让沙子足够干燥,然后再放回自由石中. 储存沙子需要空间和沙子库存,以解释成堆的沙子被移动和允许排水.

Agricultural Sand Dewatering Screens 是沙粪肥分离系统的标配,可以单独使用以改善沙道质量. 每个系统的目标都是去除沙子中多余的水分,以便更快地重复使用, cutting down on conditioning time, 减少库存需求,释放宝贵的土地空间.



Dewatering Screens for Sand Bedding

Dewatering Screens have been used successfully to remove excess moisture 从集料砂,工业砂和矿砂几十年. 它们有一个倾斜的甲板,上面有分离的回收沙子. 两个反向旋转的振动马达的运动将物料向上向前抛向出料端, 允许水从沙子中分离,并通过筛网介质的开口排出.

首台用于分离再生砂层理脱水的脱水筛进行了大量试验. The results were as follows:


The tests also revealed another benefit of the Dewatering Screen. 当水从沙粒中分离出来并通过筛网介质排出时, 它带走了一些留在沙子里的小有机纤维. 

Since then, Dewatering Screens have been reducing the moisture content 在世界各地的奶牛场中分离的回收沙垫层. 

Dewatering Screen Benefits for Dairies Recycling Sand Bedding

除了去除多余的水分和减少有机物外,还能产生更清洁的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全, drier bedding sand, 脱水筛允许乳制品生产商减少沙子库存并释放土地空间, as dewatered sand can be reused in one week or less.

脱水筛作为砂粪分离器之后的标准设备,可提供含水率低至12%的再生砂菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全. 它们也可以作为砂道系统的一部分,从砂道中回收的砂中去除高达50%的水.

In either setup, a Dewatering Screen will provide a drip-free, 可堆叠的砂菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全,在重复使用前需要较少的储存和调理时间. 经证明,分离后的再生砂比未经过脱水筛处理的砂更清洁、更干燥, which makes for happier, healthier cows and increased milk production.

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Tags: Bedding Management, Freestall Management, Manure Management, Manure Separation & Dewatering

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